Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Bike/NASCAR Racing

Here's an odd observation I thought I would share. I've been riding my trainer indoors. To help pass the time, I watch tapes of bike races and even NASCAR races (it's a sickness, I know!) I've recently been watching the Tour of California and couldn't help draw a comparison between bike and NASCAR pack racing. The peleton riding was impressive in California and it made me think about how crucial drafting was in NASCAR races like Daytona and Talladega. No exception on bikes. No single rider/driver can defeat the masses on the flats. Other similarities are the dangers that exist in these frenzied, fast packs where 1 mistake can collect a number of riders/drivers.
So, perhaps there's more to this strange combination of my interest in NASCAR and bike racing! Hell, what's a crit but a bunch of left turns?!

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